FIVE EVENTS in Rajab and Mei

FIVE EVENTS in Rajab and Mei

    Month of Rajab , the seventh month of the Hijra calendar , including such unlawful month of Dhul Qa'dah , Dhul Hijjah and Muharram . Kathir Ibn Rajab in the interpretation defined by kemulyaan , grandeur or greatness . People ignorance named this month to the month of grandeur because it is forbidden and illegitimate war . Once sent him the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam , he perpetuates this month as sacred months , which God hath spoken :
إن عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والأرض منها أربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلا تظلموا فيهن أنفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا أن الله مع المتقين
    Meaning : " Verily Allah the month number is twelve months ( set) in the Book of God when he created the landi and earth , and in between , there are a respected four months .. " . ( Surah al - Tawbah : 36 )
    It is important for us all to remind the history that took place in the month of Rajab , including :
1 . Hijrah to Habasyah .
    When Muslims are in Mecca period , then a lot of pressure , insults , ridicule , and even up to the torment of the body in an almost uncontrollable .
    Khabbab bin ' Art , Ammar and his wife , and Bilal bin Rabah , had been tortured by the Quraish body . The situation is almost out of control , in order to save in order to develop faith and proselytizing , the Prophet gave to emigrate , as he said , which means :
    Indeed, in the State '' Habasyah there was a king who tyrannized nobody on his side , head to the country , until God opened a way out for you and the completion of the events that happen to you . ( Fathul Bari 7 ; 189 )
    The Prophet also at the same time send a letter to be delivered to the king ( Najasyi ) .
    Habasyah , is one place in the territory of the nation Ethophia sudan , where his skin to black -brown , which are far away from the city of Mecca . Journey that can not be described as now they have merintasi desert to the port of Jeddah for a small boarding and pay the half- dinar currency . The companions that the numbers in some versions of 15 people , eleven and four Muslimat Muslims . Among them are Ustman bin Affan and Rukoyah bint Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam .
    They were received by King Najasyi with an open heart to protect its existence for at Habasyah .
    The incident occurred in the month of Rajab than the coming five years to apostleship , a historical record of Muslims in religious memperjuangakan God , there are times when it gets a tremendous challenge that is almost out of control, is encouraged to emigrate .
    Many previous race history to do so . Companions of the Cave for example , has been told by Allaah in Sura al - Kahf , a group of youth who face the tyrannical government and the atmosphere of danger to their keimana . So , they had emigrated to the cave so asleep in it until about three hundred years.
2 . Isra and Mi'raj event
    In the month of Rajab has also been an important event or a trip to the sirah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam . Where grief -stricken when the Prophet with the death of his beloved wife Khadijah bint Khuwailid the entire property and poured out his soul to fully support missionary activity Apostle and his uncle Abu Talib who during his life had been keeping and maintaining the king of the Prophet .
   Although there is disagreement about the occurrence of the event of Isra and Mi'raj , but historians note that the month of Rajab is the date that is closer to the truth of the events of the Prophet 's very entertaining .
    Associated with these events Allah says :
سبحان الذي أسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الأقصى الذي باركنا حوله لنريه من آياتنا إنه هو السميع البصير
    Meaning : " Most holy God who has run his servant ( Muhammad ) during the night from the Sacred Mosque ( in Mecca ) to the Aqsa Mosque ( in Palestine ) , which we bless him, to show him the signs ( power and greatness ) Us . Verily Allah Almighty step that the Hearing, the Knowing " . ( Surat al - Isra : 1 ) .
   Thus the Prophet Isra are in the middle of the night journey from Masjid al - Haram to Masjid al - Aqsa . Ascension is lifted while the Messenger of Masjid al - Aqsa to the heavens up to Sidratul Muntaha which is the highest place . Some say only his soul alone , while others suggest that the spirit and the body .
3 . Battle of Tabuk
    Tabuk War occurred on 19 Rajab 9 H. Tabuk taken from one place in the North Arabian peninsula where the Prophet sent 30 thousand troops to the area to face the Roman army . Tabuk war is the last war that occurred in the time of the Prophet .
   Preparation Islamic forces extraordinary powers in which all deployed , be it wealth , power and thoughts . Prophet and his companions prepare all the powers that be . Treasures collected from various walks of life , so that between them there are on the property entirely , such as Abu Bakr ; There are half as Ustman ibn Affan ; no small part , depends on his ability .
   After hearing the call of the Prophet , then from every tribe and his entourage prepare respectively . Not wanting to miss the top of the call , even poor people who did not want to miss . There were among those who came to the Prophet , but aware of their situation , the Prophet brothers , which means : " I'm not there something that can take you all " .
   So , they circulated from there to face tears , sorrow for not able to participate and the absence of anything to finance the war .
  That's because they can not afford financially , vehicle ( horse or camel ) is very limited , being such a large number of participants . Therefore Allah says :
ولا على الذين إذا ما أتوك لتحملهم قلت لا أجد ما أحملكم عليه تولوا وأعينهم تفيض من الدمع حزنا ألا يجدوا ما ينفقون
    It means : " There is no me my vehicle is about to give to bring you , they come back they 're eyes were streaming with tears flowing , because sadly they do not have anything else they want to spend to go jihad on the path of Allah " . ( Surat al - Tawbah : 92 ) .
   Seeing preparation so neatly by the Muslims , then Romawiterpecah troops in small groups for fear of the large number of kaumMuslimin , and chairman named Ailah Yuhanna ( John ) invites reconciled to Rsulullah .
   Thus , the apostle was to accept his invitation to the terms to pay Jizya ( tribute ) . Laludibuatlah agreement between the Prophet and the Muslims with Romawi.Akhirnya forces , the battle of Tabuk did not happen because the Muslims considered a win after the Roman soldiers surrender and peace .
4 . Opening of Baitul Maqdis
   Umar bin Khatab has carved past glories when kekhilafahannya although only a few years in holding amanahnya as caliph due to exposure to slander and killed by officers from among their own friends .
   With the permission of Allah has opened the Caliph Umar Baitul Maqdis , the city which has so long controlled by the Romans in which there are Masjid al - Aqsa , Palestine .
  However as a result of the dispute and the separation of Baitul Maqdis eventually be taken over by the crusaders . They took advantage of the weakness of the Muslims as a result of divisions and disputes that quest after the hang over 500 years .
  However , the Crusaders can only be mastered during 60 years as the top leadership of Salahuddin al - Ayubi , Muslims can take control back in the month of Rajab 583 H.
  Baitul Maqdis under the leadership of Islam was continued until 1948 when the self-proclaimed Jewish state ' of Israel ' . In 1967 , the Israeli colonizing Baitul Maqdis Aqsa Mosque as well as a whole today.
  So our task is tried in every way there is to restore the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Muslims lap and liberate Palestine , as has been done by the Caliph Umar ibn al - Khattab and Sholahuddin Ayubi .
5 . Birth of Imaam Shafi
  For Palestinians , especially Gaza and common for Muslims , duly grateful for the gift that God blessed with the birth of a human being very genius thinking . Imagine , in the age of nine memorized the Koran . At a relatively young age , he has memorized the book of the work of his teacher Imam Malik , ' al - Muwatha ' .
  He is Muhammad Bin Idris Bin Abbas Bin Uthman ibn Saib Syafie Bin Bin Bin Hashim Abdu Yazid Bin Abdul Mutalib Bin Abdul Manaf , known as Imaam Shafi . He was born in the month of Rajab in 150 H. He met with the descendants of the Prophet on the origin and Abdul Manaf Abdul Muttalib .
  Because of his intelligence , at the age of 20 years old can be trusted to give a fatwa to all problems of Muslims . Until now madzhabnya been followed by many countries , especially in some ASEAN countries . Book of his work continues to be a reference to Muslims as Al - Um and Proceedings .
  Similarly, the five events that occurred in the month of Rajab is closely related to the history of Islam in which all time can not be separated from one another . Of course , here the authors could not explain in detail because it will spend long sheets if only specified each point . This is just a reminder to be a lesson to us all . Wallahu'alam . ( K10/P02 )
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