Early History of Islam in Java Land Into - Mei

Early History of Islam in Java Land Into - Before Islam came to Java , Java masyasarakat majority embraced animism and dynamism . In addition to the Javanese beliefs also influenced by elements of Hindu and Buddhist culture of India . Along with the running time is not long kemuadian Islam to Java pass through Gujarat and the Persian and some have argued was immediately taken by the Arabs .

Early History of Islam in Into the Land of Islam in Java JawaKedatangan evidenced by the discovery of the tomb tombstone named Fatimah bint Maimoon well as the tomb of Maulana Malik Ibrahim . Channels growing Islamization six namely : trade , marriage , mysticism , education , art , and politics . The formulation of the problem to be addressed in this paper is the process How Islam came to Java ? , How Java community before Islam came ? , What is the role and methods of approach Wali Songo ? , And how Islam in Java Wali Songo post ? With the aim to determine the state of the Java community before Islam came , the role of the Wali Songo in Java and methods of approach , as well as the state of Islam in Java after Wali Songo .

Into the Land of Islam in Java
In Java , Islam entered through the north coast of Java Island is marked by the discovery of the tomb of Fatimah bint Maimoon Hibatullah son who died in the year 475 Hijri or 1082 AD in the village of Leran , Manyar Subdistrict , Gresik . Judging from its name , is a descendant of Fatimah expected Hibatullah , one of the dynasty in Persia . In addition , in Gresik also found the grave of Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Kashan ( a place in Persian ) who died in the year 822 H or 1419 AD bit inland , in Mojokerto also found hundreds of ancient Islamic tomb . The oldest tomb framed in 1374 AD It is estimated that these tombs is the tomb of the Majapahit royal family .

1 . The Java Community Come Before Islam

a. Pre Javanese Hindu - Buddhist
Life situations " religious " people in Java before the arrival of Islam is heterogeneous . Confidence and trust that the original import has been embraced by the Javanese . Before Hinduism and Buddhism , the Java community has embraced the belief that prehistoric character of animism and dynamism . Java is the way of life leads to the formation of the unity between the numinous real nature , society , and nature is considered sacred supernatural .

In addition , they believe in the power of magical dagger , spear , and other weapons . The objects that are considered sacred and have magical powers is further revered , respected , and gets preferential treatment .

b . Javanese Hindu - Buddhist period
Hindu - Buddhist influence in the Java community is expansive , while the influence of Javanese culture that accepts and absorbs the elements of Hinduism - Buddhism after going through the process of acculturation is not only an effect on the culture system , but also affect the religious system .

Since its inception , the Javanese culture produced during the Hindu - Buddhist religion is open to receive any with the understanding that all religions are good , then it is natural that the syncretic nature of Javanese culture ( is Momot or round load ) .

Another feature of Javanese culture at that time was very theocratic . Cult of kings as the incarnation of a god is one of the proof . In this case Onghokham states :

In the traditional kingdoms , religion used as a form of legitimacy . In the Hindu-Buddhist era introduced the concept of the god - king or king titising gods . This means that people should be subject to the position of king to reach the safety of the world hereafter . Religion is integrated into the interests of the kingdom / power . Culture revolves around the king , the throne and the palace . The king and the royal life is the peak of civilization at that time .

In Java there are three kingdoms period of Hindu Buddhist kingdoms it is Taruma , Ho - Ling , and Kanjuruhan . In the economy and one of the industry activity is farming and trading community in the process of national integration . Another aspect of the artwork and Satra has also been growing rapidly among others the art of music , dance , puppets , comedy , and dance masks . All of it was mostly documented in relief carvings and temples .

2 . Role of the Wali Songo Approaches and Methods
Wali Songo era is the era of the end of the Hindu - Buddhist dominance in cultural heritage to be replaced with Islamic culture . Wali Songo is a symbol of the spread of Islam in Indonesia , particularly in Java Wali Songo very large role in establishing the Islamic kingdom in Java .

In Java , the spread of Islam made ​​by Walisongo ( 9 guardian ) . Trustee is the person who has reached a certain level in closer to Allah . The guardian is close to the palace . They are the people who give the endorsement of the legitimacy of a person's accession to the throne . They also are advisors sultan .

Since it is close to the palace , they were then given the title of Sunan or His Majesty ( upheld ) . The nine trustees are as follows :
Sunan Gresik ( Maulana Malik Ibrahim ) . This is the first guardian to come to Java in the 13th century and spread Islam around Gresik . Buried in Gresik , East Java .
Sunan Ampel ( Raden Rahmat ) . Islam broadcast on Ampel , Surabaya , East Java . He is the designer of the construction of the Mosque of Demak .
Sunan Drajad ( Syarifudin ) . Children of Sunan Ampel . Religious broadcast around Surabaya . A Sunan very socially minded .
Sunan Bonang ( Makdum Ibrahim ) . Children of Sunan Ampel . Islam broadcast in Tuban , Lasem , and Apex . Sunan very wise .
Sunan Kalidjaga ( Raden Mas Said / Said Jake ) . Pupils Sunan Bonang . Broadcast Islam in Central Java . A leader , poet , and philosopher . Religious broadcast by adapting to the local environment .
Sunan Giri ( Raden Paku ) . Broadcast Islam in Java and outside Java , Madura ie , Bawean , Nusa Tenggara , and Maluku . Religious broadcast by the method of play.
Sunan Kudus ( Jafar Sodiq ) . Islam broadcast in Kudus, Central Java . An expert in the art of building . The result is the Holy Mosque and Minaret .
Sunan Muria ( Raden Umar Said ) . Islam broadcast on the slopes of Mount Muria , located between Jepara and Kudus , Central Java . Very close to the commoners .
Sunan Gunung Jati ( Syarif Hidayatullah ) . Islam in Banten broadcast , Sunda Kelapa , and Cirebon . A high-minded leader .
One way the spread of Islam made ​​by the Mayor this is by way mendakwah . The spread of Islam through this propaganda goes the way of the scholars came to the public ( as an object of propaganda ) , using a socio-cultural approach . This pattern of acculturation shape wear , ie using local culture types were fed with the teachings of Islam in it . In addition , these scholars also established boarding schools as a means of Islamic education .

3 . Islamic Wali Songo In Java Post
After the Guardians spread the teachings of Islam in Java , animism and dynamism as well as Hindu - Buddhist culture gradually changed or termasuki by Islamic values ​​. This makes people amazed over Islamic values ​​are so large manfa'atnya in daily life so as to make them directly to receive the teachings of Islam . From this degree of poor people began to rise initially oppressed by the rulers of the kingdom. Islam is very widespread to remote villages after the mayor managed to educate his students . One generation to continue the struggle of the Guardians of Islam spread to remote villages is Jaka Tingkir . Islam in Java, the most prominent of the Wali Songo after the fight is a blend of Javanese tradition with Islamic values ​​, one of which is the tradition of Wayang Kulit .
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